New Birdhouse!

At last! I have finally finished my 2nd mosaic/mixed media birdhouse! Isn't it awesome? I love it. So here's my question to all of you… Do you like it better just as a birdhouse only (the first 4 pictures) with or without the slate foundation it's resting on, OR…. do you like the 'landscaping' additions in the last 4 pictures, with the potted plant, decorative rock and the 'nuts & bolts' seashell birdbath?  In other words, give the birds a house or make it a home? Tell me what you think.  

I'm still working on how to hang it, so it will hang either way, with the slate and landscaping or without it. After I figure that out I'll hang it from my front porch and see how many hummingbirds it will attract with all this red.  Hopefully that'll be my next post…pictures of hummingbirds perched on the edge of a seashell birdbath?  It's hot here, maybe they'll go in for a dip :-)

This will be available for sale in my Scottsdale gallery, On the Edge, in September and on my website as soon as you help me decide whether to permanently attach the 'landscaping' or not. Dimensions and pricing coming soon. Thanks for your opinion!