"Deep Purple"

The royal being on this rusty cross inspires you to dig a little deeper into your spirituality, knowing that you are cloaked in a safety net of protection all the way down to your roots. How's that? :-)

"Deep Purple" by Jane Nassano.  Found Objects, approx. 9"h. x 4"w.  $85 Available in my Etsy shopOn the Edge Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ or direct from the artist, Jane Nassano at jnassano@cox.net.

"Walk Like An Egyptian"

I love this piece!  The metal 'arms' with tiny 'hands' is actually an old brake pad from a car. The point on the end of a random slab of rusty metal becomes the 'toes' which this Egyptian is walking on. Half of a wrench becomes the head and the shiny metal headdress or quora, with rhinestones completing the ensemble. Makes you wanna sing and dance, "Oh-We-Oh", doesn't it?

"Walk Like An Egyptian" by Jane Nassano.  Found Objects, approx. 9"h. x 6"w. $85 Available in my Etsy shopOn the Edge Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ or direct from the artist, Jane Nassano at jnassano@cox.net.

"The King"

This king is pretty simple, but to me he looks just a bit 'off', kind of squirrelly.  Maybe he's been drinking too much mead back at the kingdom.  He's ready to sing and dance!

"The King" by Jane Nassano.  Found Objects, approx. 7"h. x 4"w. $65 Available in my Etsy shopOn the Edge Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ or direct from the artist, Jane Nassano at jnassano@cox.net.

"A Woman to be Reckoned With"

This piece started with this old pair of pliers/snippers that I found at an antique store.  I considered them a work of art unto themselves and they have been hanging on the wall in my studio for years as just that. Art. Look at all the great detail to them, especially the cut-out of the logo on the 'legs'. I don't think they make 'em like that anymore.  Anyway, I  finally took them off the wall and put these drawer pulls on each side and suddenly 'it' became 'she' as they looked like big, over-exaggerated fists resting on her hips.  Some have said they look like guns at her side, and that's OK too.  When I got up to the 'shoulder pads' I realized the look I was emulating was reminiscent of Tina Turner in Beyond Thunderdome, in the Mad Max series.  The 'ponytail' on top of her head completed the image. Don't mess with her! 

"A Woman to be Reckoned With" by Jane Nassano.  Found Objects, approx. 14"h. x 8"w. $120 Available in my Etsy shopOn the Edge Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ or direct from the artist, Jane Nassano at jnassano@cox.net.

"God's Inner Circle" and "Resurrection"

"God's Inner Circle" uses another rusty metal drawer runner, this time with a worn out circular saw sanding blade (I think) which becomes the 'inner circle.'  This one just sold a couple days ago.

The miniature cross at the bottom, made from a rusty, little hinge that was run over by a truck, is of course called "Resurrection." The dimensions are 4"h. x 1.5"w.  $35 Available in my Etsy shopOn the Edge Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ or direct from the artist, Jane Nassano at jnassano@cox.net.

God's Inner Circle.jpeg

"There's Strength in God"

I've had these two pieces of bent, crooked metal for a couple years now, always knowing I'd find the perfect use for them someday.  Here it is!  This is "There's Strength in God". 

He is made with a rusty metal drawer runner, the aforementioned crooked metal 'arms', crushed colored glass, old nails and a razor blade.  And look how strong he is! 

The dimensions are 14"h. x 7"w.  $85 Available in my Etsy shopOn the Edge Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ or direct from the artist, Jane Nassano at jnassano@cox.net.

There's Strength in God.jpg

"World Peace"

Mixing it up a bit - This piece started out as the back of an antique, low slung chair from Pakistan, similar to those made in India and Syria as well.  Typically using fabric for the seat, about 6 or 7 inches off the ground, this would explain why only the wooden back was left at the antique store I found it in many years ago.  I oiled the weathered wood and started out defining the carved flowers on the top with various pieces of fine chains (a different chain for every petal) and strung beads.


The beads, buttons, glass tiles, broken jewelry and hardware that I added to the hand-carved diagonal recesses on the bottom were made in China, Japan, Taiwan, Africa, the US and more. 


The 'man in the moon' is from India, with his Mexican Milagro arm & leg representing one's strength and ability to work, and embrace the concept of a safe journey.

Hanging from the bottom on each side…. it's time to believe.


I just thought this piece came out really beautifully, with objects from all around the world existing together in harmony.  :-)  Peace, Jane

"World Peace"

Found Object/Mixed Media, approx. 22"h. x 24"w. x 2"d.

FOR SALE - $475

Available at the following locations:
- On the Edge Gallery http://www.ontheedgegallery.com/
- My etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/JanesArtAddiction
- Send an email to jnassano@cox.net

"It's What's Inside That Counts"

This little angel shines from the inside out.  When my favorite cousin Jenny gave me some old shot glasses, I turned them upside down and this angel with her gemstones shining, was the result!  You can hang her on your wall or set her on a table or shelf.  She will remind you to let your love shine!  7"h x 5"w. Glass, ribbons, shards of a hand-painted Japanese plate, broken jewelry. $65 Available in my Etsy shop, On the Edge Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ or direct from the artist, Jane Nassano at jnassano@cox.net.

OK, here's something I'm really proud of…..

So my mother-in-law is an antique dealer, loves any & everything from France, lives in the Windy City, which is freezing cold right now, and just had a birthday.  She usually gets some kind of antique bird figurine, which she collects, as a gift from me.  I wanted to make her something special this year, so I went antiquing (treasure hunting) and found this French 'Warmer'.  It's a version of those long-handled things they'd fill with hot coals and slide between the sheets to warm up the bed, back in the days before indoor heat.  Perfect.  It's from France and it symbolizes 'warmth'.  So I wrapped a gray ribbon around the ugly yellow handle and played around with how to decorate it. 

Wind Chime in Progress #1.jpg

Then I started poking things through the holes to see what would fit.  Shower curtain hooks worked nicely and let me hang something off the bottom of them.  

That's when I came up with the idea of turning it into wind chimes.  Get it… Windy City…. (sometimes I just kill myself, I'm so clever! :-)   So I used some chain (with pretty beads) and heavy metal hooks and washers, wanting to make a purposeful clanking against a set of cheap old wind chimes I had, and stand up to 'real' wind. 

Chimes, in progress.jpg

I wrapped the top of the chimes in steel and hung a substantial 'strike bar' from an old gate latch down the middle, surrounded by those hollow tubes.  Wanting to cover up the top of the strike bar, I was playing around, trying different pieces of junk in my studio and found this broken watch with a 'Mother of Pearl' stretchy band and little gems in the same colors as my beads.  Weird, but kind of cool.     

A Watch on the Strike Bar From A Gate Latch jpg.jpg

Adding some rusty old concrete nails all around the warmer, to symbolize sunshine (more warmth).

I then talked my husband, who is a novice jewelry maker/designer, into creating some kind of a bird (I'm nothing if not consistent) for the center.  He made this lovely cloisonne (French) songbird in enamel on copper.  Isn't it beautiful?

Songbird Cloisonne Up-close.jpg

Here is the completed piece and it sounded really awesome.  With my 'hella' packing job, it made it to Chicago in one piece and she loved it!  I only wish I could repeat it and make one for me now :-)

Time for a Wind Chime, complete.jpg

"Find Him Anywhere"

Find Him Anywhere - found object cross by Jane Nassano.jpg

This is a simple one, made entirely from things found on the ground that somebody threw away. While I'm not particularly religious, this piece is meant to remind us that who-or-what-ever you call your 'God' can be found all around you, even in the tiniest things.

Found Object/Mixed Media
14"h. x 9"w. , $65

Available at the following locations:
- On the Edge Gallery http://www.ontheedgegallery.com/
- My etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/JanesArtAddiction
- Send an email to jnassano@cox.net.