Fresh Paint! New Artists Opening Reception - October 27, 2016 (AND a free bookmark!)

Our new season has begun at On the Edge Gallery and we've got 9 new artists to add to the mix of over 40 local, Arizona artists who own, operate and exhibit in the gallery.  We're celebrating with a "Fresh Paint" Party, next Thursday night (Oct. 27th) during Artwalk, 6-9:30pm.  All the new artists will be our honored guests and all our 'seasoned' artists are hosting the party for them.  It's definitely open to the public and a great way to get to meet ALL the On the Edge Gallery artists in one night!  There'll be tons of complimentary food and wine, great music and art, and you'll recognize our new artists as they'll all be wearing black top hats (men) or bolero hats (women) fresh with dripping paint running down them!  Don't miss this party, it'll surely be the biggest event of our season!

This is the bookmark I designed to promote the artists and the party.  Come on down to the gallery and get some.  7050 E. 5th Ave., Old Town Scottsdale - on the edge of the Arts District. They can still hold your place in a book long after the party is over!  Hope to see you there!

On The Edge Gallery bookmark, 2"x8", frontside (left), backside (right)                                                &nbsp…

On The Edge Gallery bookmark, 2"x8", frontside (left), backside (right)                                                                             

Further Progress on Mantel Clock

Finding the perfect blue 'puzzle pieces' for my mantel clock was slow going this week, so no, I can't stand it up yet. I've gotten almost all the way around the top set, but since the only 'Blue' I find when traveling the alleyways (looking down) is solid blue glass, I kept running out of broken pieces of blue (and purple and green) that fit. Hence, I've had the thrift shop blues - dishes, cups, vases - nothing over a dollar - to smash into more puzzle pieces of blue. I think I've got enough now to go on. We'll see…

Mosaic Mantel Clock...continued!

I've got the red and yellow sections of my mantel clock put together like a puzzle and glued down. Feels good to be done with 2 whole sections so far! Now, I'm thinking about the blue that will make up the frame of the door. I've been smashing blue ceramic and porcelain plates and Christmas balls all morning. The next stage is to fit THEM all together like a puzzle. It'll be a good sign if I can photograph the clock standing up again by next week, meaning all the blue is glued in place as well. The thing that gets me excited is picturing it in my mind when it's all finished! Wish me luck!

Creative Designer Ad

I spent a lot of time last week designing this ad for On the Edge Gallery, and 13 of the artists represented here. This double spread ad will be published in Creative Designer, an annual reference book for Interior Designers, Architects and upscale home owners.  See my birdhouse, fitting right in next to Mary Boehm's "Hidden", the watercolor path through the trees?  I was very pleased with how this ad came out. It's always a challenge to blend this many different pieces of art on one page, and still make everyone's art look great!  Hopefully it'll inspire people to come on in to the Gallery and check out the art in person! 

Mosaic Mantel Clock!

Well, here's my latest 'insanity' project - an old wooden mantel clock that I will be covering with all kinds of…. stuff!  This is just the beginning stage, although I've been working on this, off and on, for weeks. Laying out the pieces, a different color combination for each area, so everything fits together like a puzzle, no gaps, no background showing through - that's the 'insanity' part! I find myself scanning all the pieces on my table looking for that perfect, little gold piece that's shaped like a triangle, with a little tail jutting out on the bottom right and an inward curve on the left edge, so as to fit perfectly in the gap I'm trying to fill.  Follow me as I try to find all the right pieces!

Mosaic Mantel Clock, stage 1, Jane Nassano

Mosaic Mantel Clock, stage 1, Jane Nassano

A Few More Crosses

Here are a few more of my crosses, on display at On the Edge Gallery in Scottsdale.  The Cobalt Cross is permanently mounted to its stand of stone & glass. The other 2 are removable, so they can also hang on a wall. Notice the cast iron frying pan in my exhibit? That's another display to mount my refrigerator magnets!

Repurposing Fun

I've been having fun repurposing again.  Here's another use for those rusty bottle caps, broken jewelry and buttons that don't match anything!  These small refrigerator magnets are displayed on a vintage diner napkin holder (meant to resemble a refrigerator :-)  These and more like them will be available at On The Edge Gallery in Scottsdale for $6.50 each or 4 for $22.50.  My favorite one so far is the "Monkey Queen".  She's the only one that I've actually named :-)  Kind of fun, aren't they?

New Art at On The Edge Gallery

Lots of new art and new artists to see at On the Edge Gallery this season.  Here's a panoramic photo of the whole gallery space and a couple more photos of my new crosses which are on exhibit there, as well as on my website. Check out the gallery website too, at and our facebook page at I'll have more new work coming out next week!

2D TO 3D

I'll be changing out my display at On the Edge Gallery at the end of this week, taking down all my 2-dimensional art on the wall and putting up my new 3-dimensional art on shelves. I'm excited! I've been a 2-D artist all my life! Here are a few of my new pieces, originally inspired by my 'Saints & Sinners' series of bottle cap crosses, but some of these are taking on a different twist.  Let me know what you think!

Birdhouse Follow-up

My birdhouse now hangs from a chain on my front porch waiting for hummingbirds to light, but so far they only perch on a plant hanging nearby and stare at it. They also fly away as soon as I come with my camera. 

Anyway, since I had attached the chain permanently, the problem was that if you wanted to just set the birdhouse on a table, there was still this big long chain laying across the roof and down the side of the house. 

I designed (more like made it up as I went along) and fabricated a chimney out of copper and mounted it to the roof around the base of the chain. So, now if you don't want the birdhouse to hang, the chain coils up nicely and rests inside the chimney till you want to use it again. Seriously, sometimes I am just so clever it kills me! Ha Ha! See the birdhouse live and in person at On the Edge Gallery in Scottsdale this September or order directly from my website shop now.  $525 plus 8 pounds of shipping. Thanks for looking and I love your comments!