My birdhouse now hangs from a chain on my front porch waiting for hummingbirds to light, but so far they only perch on a plant hanging nearby and stare at it. They also fly away as soon as I come with my camera.
Anyway, since I had attached the chain permanently, the problem was that if you wanted to just set the birdhouse on a table, there was still this big long chain laying across the roof and down the side of the house.
I designed (more like made it up as I went along) and fabricated a chimney out of copper and mounted it to the roof around the base of the chain. So, now if you don't want the birdhouse to hang, the chain coils up nicely and rests inside the chimney till you want to use it again. Seriously, sometimes I am just so clever it kills me! Ha Ha! See the birdhouse live and in person at On the Edge Gallery in Scottsdale this September or order directly from my website shop now. $525 plus 8 pounds of shipping. Thanks for looking and I love your comments!