Graphic design has always been my first love and I enjoy doing freelance design projects for print media in addition to my pastels & mixed media fine art. One of my favorite jobs is contracting and designing all the print media for On the Edge Gallery, the artist's collective that I'm in. I get to take fine art images from any number of artists in the gallery and design magazine ads, programs, brochures, rack cards & postcards using our art to promote the gallery. I love this process because the artists give me a lot of freedom to design what I want and they're very easy to please. My goal is to make everybody's art look as good as I can in the space allowed.
These are the first 2 ads in a series of 3 editions of programs/booklets for performances by the Arizona Opera, Ballet Arizona, the Phoenix Theater, the Herberger Theater, the Tempe Center for the Arts and the Arizona Theater Company. Look for them in your program as you're waiting for the show to start!