Work in Progress

This is a soft pastel painting in progress, that I'm working on.  It will be a graduation present for my favorite niece when it is finished.  The photograph I'm using as a reference is one that she took of a place near her home in Kansas City.  Unfortunately I'm rather late with it (she graduated last June!) because the other project I started last June was remodeling my kitchen, with my husband and I doing all the work on it.  Next week I'll post pictures of that completed project (providing we actually do complete in within the week!) and my labor of love, the kitchen backsplash mosaic I made from slate, broken glass & jewelry & miscellaneous found objects.  Perhaps then I'll be able to complete my niece's painting and get it to her by Christmas?  I want it to be a surprise, as late as it is, as she doesn't know which of the many photos she sent me that I'm doing it of.  Hope she's not looking at any of these postings!